What they do
The labour comb is a powerful pain management tool that utilises the Gate Control Theory. By squeezing the teeth of the comb at the base of your fingers, it diverts your attention and provides relief during contractions. The pressure on specific acupressure points stimulates endorphin release, offering natural pain relief. Experience greater comfort and strength during labour with this simple yet effective tool.
Labor Combs
*Personal experience* My labor combs helped me to have a completely calm, pain free home birth! I aboslutely would not give birth again without them! I wish I had them for my hospital birth
Do you need a SPECIAL comb? NOPE! Thats why I offer with one or two combs option- you can use a cheaper plastic or beard comb too!
Hold the comb with its teeth positioned just below the meeting point of your fingers and palm. When you sense a contraction approaching, gently close your hand around the comb, allowing its teeth to press into the palm of your hand. Adjust the pressure to your liking, using as much or as little force as feels most soothing and comforting for you.